Cool down with a hot drink

We all love a bit of sunshine, but there is nothing worse than being hot and not being able to cool down! If only it was possible to adjust our body temperature with a press of a button.

But not to worry: scientists have proven that drinking hot drinks when warm will help reduce body heat.


What, how?

Well it’s actually very simple and somewhat logical. When consuming a hot beverage, such as coffee, nerves in our mouths and upper digestive tract respond to the heat, raising our core body temperature causing us to sweat; as it evaporates, the sweat effectively cools us down.

So, next time you’re too hot and think of reaching for an ice-cream, why not try a delicious cappuccino to help keep you cool.


Is this actually true?

Not only has this been proven by scientists, but the method is based on years of experience in countries such as India, where hot drinks like Chai are among the most popular.  Many of the leading consumers of hot beverages are in tropical and desert regions.


Hosting a party and want to keep your guests cool and awake? At Volkscafe were here to bring you the perfect cup of the very best barista quality coffee.